Nett Assets Limited is commited to maximising value and opportunity for our clients. We specialise in Architectural design and the residential development of land and buildings, we can add significant value creating both a desirable environment and maximising space, whilst minimising unnecessary cost. In every aspect of our work we design with considerable commercial and practical experience to ensure costs and value are well balenced. As Architectural designers we design for the extension and redevelopment of buildings to create better space and opportunity and create beautiful individual bespoke homes from 1000 sq.ft to 5000sq.ft. Our development consultancy offers the opportunity through our well established planning and design experience for clients to maximise any potential development opportunity in connection with underused, under developed land. We have the experience and can call on the best specialist consultants where necessary to maximise opportunity. From sketch design, inlcuding sales and technical appraisal we can outline a recommended strategy, provide costs and value forecasts and provide a fee structure which minimises initial outlay in return for reward upon success.