DevCon is an NGO established in 1996, registered under Societies Act 1860 working in Sindh province of Pakistan through its operational bases in Sanghar and Badin Districts. VISION: "Socially, economically, and politically a viable society"MISSION: Empower the socially excluded through awareness-building, education and providing them the opportunity to exercise their basic rights through enhancement of their participation and representation in the social, economic, and political arena.- Fighting for justice: - Helping to access opportunities:- Empowering people to hold governments/policymakers accountable: DevCon has a firm conviction that issues related to education, health, poverty, basic amenities and other development sectors can only be solved on sustainable lines if they are made a part of political will and mandate of the government. To make this possible DevCon will continue to strive empower communities, so that they can hold the government at various levels accountable. PROGRAMMES: EDUCATION: We believe that education is a basic human right and fundamentally important for the development of every individual and society. Besides providing quality education services to deprived communities, we advocate with government to make it realize that arranging quality education services to every citizen is its responsibility that has to be fulfilled in an honest and transparent manner. The current inequality in educational systems and services has eventually created a huge social disparity. We believe that quality education is the right of every one irrespective of their social and economic class.