SURE Architecture is a leading global architecture and design practice providing architecture, interior, landscape and urban design & masterplanning services within Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Europe and America. Our offices in London, Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai allow us to apply international expertise with local knowledge and delivery thus supporting the communities in which we work. The company is built on the belief that good design can only be delivered by people with a deep social and cultural understanding of the communities they are designing for.The award-winning company concentrates on Sustainable Urban Regeneration & Eco Architecture, and that is also why the name of SURE Architecture comes from. We are committed to our core value of design excellence and are dedicated to research & development and sustainability. Sure Architecture is a design-led architecture practice fusing international design quality with local service delivery. We draw on our global expertise to provide context-specific and cost-effective design to clients. Globalization and localization will be also in balance in our team and projects.SURE Architecture专注于可持续城市更新与生态建筑的研究与实践,并在业界屡获殊荣,绿舍都会也由此得名。交付卓越的设计作品,是公司一直追奉的核心价值观,同时力争为相关领域的研发和可持续发展做出贡献。作为一家以设计为主导的建筑公司,绿舍都会融合了国际设计品质与切合地方需要的服务交付水平,两者的完美融合不仅提供了契合地方文化特点产品,同时也为客户大大降低了设计成本。公司的团队建设和项目性质在国际化和本土化之间也保持了一种完好的平衡。我们提供门类多元化的服务,其中不乏建筑设计、室内设计、景观设计、城市设计及总体规划等,业务遍及亚太、中东、欧洲和美洲。公司在全球设立4个办公室,分别位于伦敦、北京、香港和上海,不仅可以利用具国际水平的专业技术知识,也有利于结合各地的文化特色,完成高质量的交付,从而支持我们更好地服务社会。一直以来,公司始终秉持着一种信念 — 只有拥有一支对项目所在地区的社会和文化肌理有着深厚透彻了解的菁英团队,才能交付高品质的设计。