Quentin Brewer

installer supervisor at evologic - Lenexa, KS, US

Quentin Brewer's Contact Details
Quentin Brewer's Company Details
evologic logo, evologic contact details


Lenexa, KS, US • 20 - 49 Employees

install | move | store | refurbish | repair evologic was created to provide growing organizations with a single source solution for workspace change - the logical evolution of change. We install, store and move workspaces, but it's the way we do it, the way we address change, the way we help you secure your investment in workspace change, that sets us apart.Our staff has expertise in project management, workspace design and planning, construction management, procurement, asset management, restoration, warehousing - all your workspace change needs.

reconfigurations corporate relocations project management service managment facilities management asset managment furniture repair Furniture/Fixtures Furniture
Details about evologic
Frequently Asked Questions about Quentin Brewer
Quentin Brewer currently works for evologic.
Quentin Brewer's role at evologic is installer supervisor.
Quentin Brewer's email address is ***@myevologic.com. To view Quentin Brewer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Quentin Brewer works in the Furniture industry.
Quentin Brewer's colleagues at evologic are Kendall Goff, Reyan Fernando, Ben Revitt, Erich Deutsch, Trisha Allenbrand, Bryan Minter, Derek Bicknell and others.
Quentin Brewer's phone number is 913-894-6273
See more information about Quentin Brewer