Scholarship Informer is dedicated to having real and honest conversations about paying for college. From the first-time freshman to the adult learner returning to school, we believe in reducing the costs of college by earning scholarships.Our company is run by a $100,000+ scholarship winner, Gabrielle McCormick. After a season-ending Achilles tendon rupture, Gabrielle's hopes of an athletic scholarship disappeared. Despite her disappointment, she began channeling her pain into something positive. After studying a lot of successful students, making a ton of mistakes, and drinking gallons of green tea, her efforts earned her well over $100,000 in scholarships. She graduated from college DEBT-FREE and now has scholarships paying for her doctorate degree.By speaking with students and their families about scholarships, Gabrielle and the Scholarship Informer Team hope to save at least one more family from the stress, overwhelm, and frustration associated with paying for college.Here are just a handful of universities Scholarship Informer students attend: Texas A&M University, Vanderbilt University, Seton Hall, Southern Methodist University, Liberty University, Hampton University, and Texas Tech University. We've even had a student from the University of the Virgin Islands. From Division I to Division III schools, public to private universities, or high school to graduate students… we work with every level of college and college-bound student.You can find out more Scholarship Informer by visiting: Scholarship Informer is a division of Lecture Warehouse, LLC. All Rights Reserved.