R Rucker

instructional assistant at Metropolitan School District of Washington Township - Indianapolis, Indiana, US

R Rucker's Contact Details
(317) 259-5377
Indianapolis,Indiana,United States
Metropolitan School District of Washington Township
R Rucker's Company Details
Metropolitan School District of Washington Township logo, Metropolitan School District of Washington Township contact details

Metropolitan School District of Washington Township

Indianapolis, Indiana, US • 483 Employees
Education Management

The mission of the Metropolitan School District of Washington Township (MSDWT) is to develop lifelong learners and globally-minded citizens by fostering the academic, creative, and social skills needed to achieve excellence in a multicultural environment. The MSDWT provides quality education in award winning schools built on a foundation of outstanding educators, administrators, school board members, and supportive parents. Our vision is “Superior Schools in a Supportive Community.” Come and experience tomorrow today in our school district.

Educational Service Primary Education Secondary Education Elementary School District Teaching Multicultural Award Winning Schools Academic Skills School Administration
Details about Metropolitan School District of Washington Township
Frequently Asked Questions about R Rucker
R Rucker currently works for Metropolitan School District of Washington Township.
R Rucker's role at Metropolitan School District of Washington Township is instructional assistant.
R Rucker's email address is ***@msdwt.k12.in.us. To view R Rucker's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
R Rucker works in the Education Management industry.
R Rucker's colleagues at Metropolitan School District of Washington Township are Candie Kubacki, Jeanene Hamilton, Jonell Stevenson, Nijah Colvin, Dede Heard-Johnson, Denise Scairpon, Sammy Maethner and others.
R Rucker's phone number is (317) 259-5377
See more information about R Rucker