Young Hearts First Aid is a nationwide registered training organisation based in Melbourne, Victoria. Young Hearts' fundamental vision is to make a measurable difference to the level of first aid skills in school's and the wider community, while also offering a unique and refreshing approach that completely transforms traditional first aid education methods.CEO of Young Hearts First Aid and advanced life support paramedic Nikki Jurcutz experienced the lack of student and community first aid knowledge during her time working with Ambulance Victoria. Having witnessed first-hand the lack of first aid knowledge amongst secondary school students, she reached out to sister Rachael Waia, who was working in education at the time, with a proposal to deliver first aid training that really makes a difference.At Young Hearts First Aid, we believe that no young heart should stop beating due to a lack of education.Young Hearts First Aid is a Registered Training Organisation that is listed with the Australian Skills Quality Authority and accredited to provide Nationally Recognised training (RTO #40664).