The Collaborative Operating System ("COS") is something truly original. Designed tabula rasa in answer to the question, "What do people need in order to be productive in their work?" the COS is a game-changing and scalable alternative to "command & control" leadership. And although it was created to address super-complex (i.e., "wicked"), intractable problems, it is a superior approach to all work. Quite simply, the Collaborative Operating System is a way of working that actually works. The COS generates high-trust, thorough and timely communication, accountability and more –– all as byproducts of performing your work. How? These, and other critical success factors, are baked right into the system.In our experience, hierarchy (command & control leadership) frequently "buckles" under the weight of even routine daily work. And when the work becomes complex, such as is the case with multi-stakeholder projects, hierarchy grinds to a halt. That's because it's fundamentally a reporting structure that's implicitly used as a leadership, management and work system. Join us as we teach a real system, the Collaborative Operating System.