SynergenX Health is a hormone replacement and weight management clinic specializing in helping our patients feeling better. We use powerful health information and technology to provide you with state of the art care.At SynergenX Health, we are devoted to hormone replacement therapy, and helping men increase their testosterone levels. We manage testosterone with variable dosing and tailor the proper hormones to our patients. We are not a one-size fits all program for hormone replacement therapy, which makes our practice unique. We monitor the patient's total testosterone, estrogen and blood thickening very closely to minimize side effects.Our weight management program has become a very popular service. Our patients see results, saying they experience more energy, less joint pain, and have better sleep. Losing weight helps people feel good about themselves and their body, making it less likely to develop chronic, life-threatening diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol and sleep apnea.If you would like to schedule an appointment for our services, call our office or schedule an appointment online.