我们是采购和供应管理方面的专家,我们专注于建立核心竞争力。我们的与众不同之处在于以下几个方面:We are experts in procurement & supply-management, and we devote our attention only to building that core competency. Here are characteristics that distinguish our firm:偲节的准则是每一位成员都能为客户提供专业的服务, 我们的每位顾问都具备采购咨询和供应链管理领域的丰富经验。我们还聘用了精通于客户所需品类或领域,且具备专业知识经验丰富的项目型专家。The firm's principals each personally deliver services to clients. Each is experienced in consulting & corporate supply-management roles. We also recruit skilled project professionals with expertise with targeted commodity areas.在当今的市场经济中,客户都渴望通过控制风险和相对少的投资快速获取财务收益。我们组建了偲节采购管理咨询,为每个客户在每个项目中提供具有吸引力的净资产收益率。In today's economy, clients desire financial benefits that are delivered rapidly with controlled risk and limited investment. We formed Procurement Management Consulting to deliver impressive hard budget Return On Net Assets (RONA) to every client in every engagement.我们的团队提供创新的解决方案,以提高产品及服务的质量来吸引用户。依靠技术的优势,简化订购和结算流程。我们还帮助客户了解影响其供应链中可量化和可考核的各种机会。Our team delivers innovative solutions that improve the quality of products & services, are appealing to users, capture the benefits of technology, and streamline ordering & settlement processes. We help clients understand both the quantitative and qualitative impact of their supply-chain opportunities.这是我们工作的核心主题。我们的目标是训练和传授给我们客户的员工在新的卓越水平上来发挥作用。在所有的采购管理咨询中,我们引入了跨职能团队的成员,以便能引导他们在将来能践行"最佳实践"。This is a central theme in everything we do. Our objective is to educate and empower our client's employees to perform their roles at a new level of excellence. On all procurement management consulting, we draw in the members of cross-functional teams so as to impart "best practices" they will use in the future.我们没有市场推广,也不做营销。偲节的成长源自客户满意后的口口相传。我们的工作简明、专业、旨在超越所有客户的期望。We neither advertise nor have a sales force. Our firm grows only through enthusiastic referrals from pleased customers. Our work is concise, professional, and focused upon exceeding clients' expectations.