The Urban Land Institute is a 501c(3) nonprofit research and education organization supported by its members. Founded in 1936, the institute now has almost 40,000 members in 95 countries worldwide, representing the entire spectrum of land use and real estate development disciplines, working in private enterprise and public service.ULI is a preeminent, multi-disciplinary real estate forum that facilitates the open exchange of ideas, information and experience among local, national and international industry leaders and policy makers dedicated to creating better places.ULI is a trusted idea place where members come to grow professionally and personally through sharing, mentoring, and problem solving. With pride, ULI members commit to the best in land use policy and practice.The mission of the Utah District Council is to deliver the ULI experience at the local level.-To be the definitive source for objective lands use expertise and information for all entities interested in land planning, development, and real estate issues in Utah.-To provide members with opportunities for professional development through active involvement in committee work, topical programs, and networking.-To share knowledge at the local level, through valuable educational programs and topic-specific task forces.-To raise awareness of local land use issues among members, public officials, academics, students, and the public at large.