"Helping you define and grow your niche, locally and internationally"You are trying to make your business or organization grow in a competitive marketplace and you have questions. Glocal Consultants Group has worked with organizations in their founding and growing stages, based in a single city or across 15 countries, and can work with you to help you define yourself, your services, your customers and find the path and tools to stay competitive and grow.Glocal Consultants Group staff are professionals with business and non-profit experience, both in local and global markets, with powerhouse education, cross-disciplinary and cross-industry experience and insight. We have finance, marketing, strategy and operational experience and help businesses and non-profits design and evaluate projects, business opportunities, develop performance metrics, and create marketing and growth strategies to expand locally or internationally since 1998. See how we might help your business or non-profit and please contact us if you have any questions or would like a proposal.