Our Direct Pay Family Medical Practice provides Direct Primary Care, Near-site and On-site primary care to employers of various sizes through a program known as ReforMDirect. Also we provide transparent flat-fee for service family medical care to individuals. Our board certified Obesity Medicine specialist provides Medical Weight-Loss services to individuals on a fee-for-service basis. In addition, direct pay Psychiatric Services are available at ReforMedicine.Our mission is to provide person-centered primary care that is simple, affordable and accessible. In a climate of ever increasing health insurance cost and complexity, higher deductibles and co-pays, our direct payment approach has saved individuals and employers vast sums in physician and lab fees, while providing state-of-the art services and comprehensive outpatient primary care. ReforMDirect primary care can be coupled with a self-insured plan to provide an ACA-compliant, cost-effective solution to rising employer-provided health care costs.