Tooth and gum clinic is a multi-specialty dental clinic which provides comprehensive dental care with expertise and latest technology. We offer cosmetic dentistry, advanced dental care, teeth whitening, oral surgery, paediatric dentistry and general dentistry equipped with state of the art digital technology.We specialize in digital smile designing, dental implants and restorative dentistry to enhance your smile and oral health.At Tooth and Gum Clinic, your smile is our first priority.Our team of experts is comprised of caring and dedicated dentists who support you throughout your experience. They ensure that the patient's needs are met as efficiently as possible, applying advanced technology and practicing painless procedure.Our objective is to revolutionize cutting-edge dentistry towards high-quality patient care with effective tools and services.Furthermore, we also aim to unfold our reach all over India and solve as many problems of our patients as we can. With a thorough and consistently proficient dental care experience, we have successfully established customized treatments for each individual patient in a holistic manner.With an amiable environment and a robust team of enthusiastic staff members, we here at Tooth and Gum Clinic, have made providing high-standard dental care coupled with utmost patient comfort our topmost priority!