Grievance officer at Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers - Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh
Retired Executive Director of the Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers
Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers is the union supporting and advocating for educators in the Pajaro Valley Unified School District. In January 1969, the American Federation of Teachers issued a charter to the Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers. For more than 40 years, PVFT has provided leadership for the collective voice of our members. The union has seen teachers and staff through great and tough times. The union has worked with an array of superintendents from controlling to cooperative. We not only survived year-round education, but union negotiations made the process of change easier and equitable. PVFT negotiators are back at the bargaining table working on our current contract. They negotiate this collective bargaining agreement to maximize your wages, benefits, hours, working conditions, and other related policies and procedures. They will uphold the PVFT tradition to do what's best for teachers and students. The PVFT Executive Board serves as your representative body. At monthly meetings the Council of Representatives discuss issues and policies and make decisions on behalf of the membership. These policies and decisions are then implemented by the Executive Council Officers.