Pisco Sin Fronteras is a volunteer disaster reconstruction organisation that works in and around the city of Pisco, Peru.In August of 2007 a 7.9 magnitude earthquake devastated the region, destroying 80% of the homes in Pisco and killing over 600 people. The earthquake left many people living in makeshift housing of cardboard, scrap wood and plastic, and on dirt floors, with no more than a bucket in the corner for a toilet.Pisco Sin Fronteras works to improve the living conditions of families affected by the earthquake by building and improving homes. We also help with community development, working in schools, teaching English and IT, and working in child care centres. We are always looking for hard-working volunteers to help the people of Pisco rebuild their lives.As we move from disaster relief work to sustainable and long-term community development, we are in need of volunteers with the following skills:- professional builders, plumbers, electricians etc.- those with a background in community development work, including civil engagement and microfinance programmes- fluent Spanish speakersOur organisation is entirely volunteer-run, and we do not charge a participation fee. It costs 16 soles (US$6) a day to stay in our dormitories and eat breakfast and dinner with us. There are several hostels within walking distance if you prefer more privacy.