360meridianos is a travel blog that started in 2011 with the great passion of three journalists, Luiza Antunes, Natalia Becattini and Rafael Sette Câmara to tell stories about the world. What motivated us from the start were the characters we encounter on the road, the cultural differences experienced at each landing, the unique history of each destination, and the social and political contexts that explains a place.We are a blog about Travel Culture. And that means that we seek to see the world with the eyes of discovery. We approach travel from the perspective of diversity and empathy and believe that travel is also a form of learning. And it is this learning that we want to share in our texts.We want more than just write about the World. We push our readers, everyday, towards adventures. Be it go to the other side of the world, get to know a different place in their own city or travel through literature. We try to show them that there is something beautiful, with potencial to bring personal development in every corner of the world, be it a traditional destination or a place the few people dream to visit.