Working together with our worldwide network of more than 200 prestigious partners, we created the most intuitive and best supported reporting solution for QlikView, NPrinting.QlikView NPrinting is an advanced report generation, distribution and scheduling application for QlikView. It allows organizations to create great looking reports quickly, in a variety of popular formats including Office and PixelPerfect (.PDF), using data and analytics from QlikView. Led by founder and IT entrepreneur Riccardo Zulian, the Vizubi core team has been working together for over a decade building complex discovery and reporting systems based on tools like Cognos, Business Objects, Board, and QlikView. Since 2008, the team has been busy developing NPrinting and the Vizubi Suite to provide users with easily implemented discovery and reporting tools. From January 2015, Vizubi and its NPrinting product line are part of the Qlik family. For more information visit: