Dedicated team and professional support for our customers, we share the most valuable experiences all around the globe from our principles in order for enterprises and organizations to simplify the business process. From the noble goals to assist our customers into their success, then we grow together with our customers in sharing the beneficiaries on the technology and trends in the financial industry. Since year 2000, we have developed more than hundreds of IT Communication Solutions for our customers and we had also evolved our expertise not only supporting our Customer Unified Trading Communication Solutions but also their content applications and business process. One of our focus that we bring to them is the complete IT solutions from voice switching, data switching and getting deals done faster simplifies connectivity across trading firms to streaming work flow in Financial and Banking industry. Most of our banking customers making use and operates our solutions starting from the communication solutions up to their Trading Informations System and their Trading CRM System. Focusing our services to the customers, we developed three business units with dedicated team of sales, supports and Quality Assurance. One of the reasons that we could deliver more valueable solution to the customers is presenting the expert consultancy in discussing our customers need and requirement before we spend hours of time to build the solutions. In the era of high mobility of information and technology rapid obsolescent, the right decision is not only enough to win the competition, since a lot of information to process during the decision.