Inspired by the Indian Government's mission of 'Housing for All by 2022', ManiBhavnam Home Finance India Private Limited (MBHF) has been formed to cater to the affordable housing needs of under-financed segment.Driven by a woman entrepreneur, the company recognizes changing gender roles in the Indian Society, and will, wherever possible, take initiatives for the inclusion of females in the process of home-buying decision that has traditionally been taken by a male member of the family. This would give a boost to independent women who wish to pursue their dreams and stand on their own feet.At MBHF, we believe in empowering women through inclusive financing to fulfil their dream of home ownership and improve living conditions of their families. This can be achieved by efficient, simple and customized solutions for their housing finance needs. This unreached, under-served and often ignored market will from the thrust of our business. One of the major goals is to drive inclusion, both financial and social, and be able to give wings to many aspirants who are just beginning to realize their potential.