Contra Mundum Press (CMP) is an award-winning independent publishing house that has published translations from Sumerian, French, Hungarian, Italian, German, Turkish, Farsi, several bi- and multilingual books from a variety of genres, and two world-premiere editions of Pessoa.The primary aim of CMP is to publish translations of writers who in their use of form and style are à rebours, or who deviate significantly from more programmatic and spurious forms of experimentation. Our watchword is: testing the boundaries of thought & experience.CMP's vision is also informed by a poetics of hospitality. As a purveyor of lone and often forgotten or exiled voices, CMP serves as a home to world culture, welcoming the voices, and so the lives and experiences, of "foreigners." From Gilgamesh to Adonis, in publishing translations from as many different languages as we have, CMP not only welcomes strangers into its house, but presents them to the English-reading public as our honored guests.