SWI – A New Concept StockWatchIndex (SWI) is a new concept of an exceptionally focused stock information and consulting service approach with its websites, associated newsletter and extensive social network outreach program. SWI provides investors with relevant and up to date information focused on specific industry sectors, making it considerably easier to break through the noise and clutter of the typical mass-market services. SWI will be publishing a set of sub sites focused on specific financial market segments. Focused Market Awareness Programms In addition to its significant Social Network outreach, SWI has long standing realtionships with major national brokerage firms, inevstment banks and funds and a highly qualified data base of high-networth individual investors to utilize for its marketing campaigns of carefuylly selected and solid core value stocks. Solid Analysis No ridiculous claims of guaranteed 1000% percent returns and a 110% success rate for top-secret stock picks, just solid analysis and distribution of information crucial to the investor's investment decision. SWI thrives to be an analytical and intimately connected stock review publication uncovering and reporting on investments that will generate a solid return for its investors over time. SWI provides frequently updated information, special stock picks and free subscriber services to download continuously updated and informative white papers for top management, aspiring managers in small public companies or companies that have plans to go public. While we understand (and will accommodate) the day trader mentality with its desire for quick profits, we strongly believe in buying and holding stocks of companies with strong core values, which will be able to fare well in inevitable market turmoil that always occurs at some point in time.