Mysoorian is a holding company which owns, a niche social networking site. Beta site was succesfully tested for ayear and the real version is getting ready for launch in April 2011. PBN is a privacy oriented Social Networking site for the Elite. Unlike Facebook and Twitter in which any body and everybody can find their space and utter nonsense if they like, postboxnetwork is for those who are somebody in thier own right, have something worth while to say and also make friends with like minded people. Man does not live by bread alone! If a successful business person who loves theatre is planning a visit to New York, Paris, Bombay, Bangkok or Bali he/she can contact like minded members in that location and enjoy. Same for sports persons, realtors, college professors and so forth.Interestingly, although this is not a dating site per se, say if a College professor in the US wants to find another college professor in a far off land for matrimony, it is enabled. Posting of pictures is an option. Members can exchange pictures privately. Communication is through personal email and other channels, not through PBN servers. Each member will have his/her own blog suitable for long blogs or short tweets. The nominal subscription based (US$ 45 a year) is open for signup in 52 countries. Membership is FREE for those who sign up before September 30, 2011.