汇纳科技是行业领先的线下实体商业消费者行为数据采集分析的服务商。于2017年在创业板挂牌上市(股票代码300609)。作为A股第一家完全以大数据为主营业务的企业,汇纳科技自2004年成立至今发展稳健,市场占有率遥遥领先。十余年专注于客流数据统计、消费行为分析和商业价值挖掘,通过数据服务这种新燃料赋能实体商业,构建起连接线下实体商业的数据平台。在流量迅猛增值的今天,汇纳科技聚焦在大数据采集技术并深层次开发数据服务应用领域,至今已为全国1000多家购物中心、百货商场以及超过2万家品牌连锁专卖店提供线下消费者行为数据分析服务,实现了每年百亿人次客流量统计。目前除上海总部外共设有8家分公司、3大研发中心、100余家服务网点,辐射全国340多个城市和地区。About WINNER TechnologyAs the leading provider bringing shopper behavior analytics to brick-and-mortar businesses, WINNER Technology has gone A-share listed in GEM in 2017 (Stock Code 300609). As the first enterprise focusing entirely on big data analytics service going A-share listed, WINNER Technology has been in steady development since it was established in 2004, taking a safe lead in market share. Since the past over ten years, WINNER Technology has always been dedicated to traffic counting, shopper behavior analytics and business value mining. We energize the brick-and-mortar business with data service, and construct a data platform for brick-and-mortar businesses.In this time when the value of traffic flows is on the swift rise, WINNER Technology focuses entirely on the big data acquisition technology and field exploration for data service application. To this day, WINNER Technology has been in service of more than 1,500 shopping malls & department stores and over 50 thousand of brand chain stores regarding the shopper behavior analytics, with an annual counting of over 10 billion person/time.Headquartered in Shanghai, WINNER Technology has had eight branch offices, three R&D centers, and more than 170 plus service points in over 400 regions nationwide.