Account Manager at Al-Bahar and Partners Company - Shuwaikh Industrial, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait
Since 1961, Mohamed Abdulrahman Al-Bahar and Partners have been at the forefront of serving enterprise customer requirements across banking, print and managed services, educational, AV, access control and security solutions in Kuwait. We are partnered with best in class global technology leaders like Canon, Thales, Viewsonic, Logitech and so forth to ensure that we can deliver the most robust solutions to take care of your challenging business needs. #canon #canonusa #canon_official #canonphotos #teamcanon #canonkuwait # #Fujitsu #Digital #Imaging #Images #IT # Solutions #Document #DocumentManagement #Logitech #Products #Conference #Room #Solutions #Video #VideoConferencing #Educational #Institutions #Corporate#ViewSonic #HDDisplays #HD #Resolutions #4k #Projections #Gaming #Monitors #WideFormat #GamingMonitors #PKLNS #ClassRoom #Solutions #Digital #SignBoards #DigitalSignBoards #Meeting #ConferenceRoom #Solutions #videoconferencingsolutions #team #Al_Bahar#videoconference #kuwait#kuwaitbusiness#kuwaitnews #kuwaiti #كانون #الكويت #كويت #البحر #كويتي #لوجيتك #فوجيتسو