Independent Development Consultant at Centre for Innovations and Development Assistance - , ,
Centre for Innovations and Development Assistance is a non-profit company by guarantee registered under section 25 of the Indian company act 1956, aims to create enabling environment for innovations through facilitation and integration of formal and informal knowledge, skills, learning and development assistance for overall wellbeing of the people especially those living in poor and vulnerable areas. Facilitating to set-up innovative community development models where all barriers and challenges are met and overcome by people themselves for their own development.We translate the ‘needs' of poor people into ‘effective demand' and helping them to find and develop local capacity for innovation and emergence of locally appropriate solutions. We promote innovations and recognise poor people and others as legitimate experts in the area where they work. We support to help to upscale innovative and successful local action. We tries to move from problem based programmes towards strengthening the solutions to be found in local communities, building upon existing strengths and initiatives and supporting innovations.