Helping communities to help themselvesReal Impact is a Kenyan Non-Governmental Organisation that helps communities grow food. We work in and around Thika, about 50km from Nairobi, and our mission is to support community groups in setting up kitchen gardens to grow their own vegetables. This may sound a modest objective but its effect can be dramatic in a country where 32% of the population is undernourished (FAO), and the government urgently seek to reduce rural to urban migration.Key to the concept is that it creates sustainable knowledge among the participants; the benefits we seek are self-reliance, knowledge and empowerment, tribe and gender neutral; the by-product is food.We call this the Positive Kitchen GardenReal Impact has a unique training offer which links two important strands - agronomy and nutrition. Under each strand we are offering a number of courses at various levels relevant to different audiences (for exmple - managers and field workers). Each strand consists of a range of courses, which help to build the trainees practical skills and underpinning knowledge to an appropriate level. The courses are complementary and designed to build a link between what is grown and what is eaten both by people in institutions (schools, hospitals and village communities) and also at the domestic household level.