we partner of angel broking ( www.angelbroking.com ) for the trading platform. We are an elite partner with angel broking and we are very happy to share that we are recognized as a stellar performance in the top achieve – cash category in the month of May 16 2015.We offer all services at flexible brokerage4r investment is a member of the Bombay stock exchange (BSE), national stock exchange (NSE), multi-commodity exchange (McX), national commodity exchange (NCDEX), all our offerings are supported by powerful research teams and each unit is clearly positioned to cater to the most diverse financial needs to our clients. Our team comprises of a mix of software consultants, analysts experts, financial consultants, market experts, and research analysis. One of our clear differentiation is that we have a dedicated research team focusing on research and provide with unique services to the clients. Our Services include1. Demat Account2. Trading Account3. Intraday Trading4. Ipo(Initial Public Offering) 5. PMS(Portfolio Management Services) Products include1. Equity Trading2. Currency Trading3. Futures and Options Trading4. Mutual Funds