RTA-Office (Real Time Architecture) is a branch of Santiago Parramon Office Architectural Consulting Co. Ltd with branches in Barcelona and Shanghai. Our organization specializes in architectural design, landscape design, urban planning and interior design in residential, hotel, and industrial areas. By establishing offices in Europe and Asia, we are able to collaborate and develop large scale projects worldwide. It allows us to link Western and Chinese architects together, bringing new and innovative ideas to every project we work on. Our Shanghai office already has a lot of experience. It has grown from a team of 4 people to one of 15 and has been invited to compete in China with the most prestigious international firms in competitions for the development of new districts and buildings in cities like Tianjin, Suzhou, Shenzhen and Hainan Island. We are currently working on a project in Istanbul, Turkey.The work and philosophy of Parramon's architecture has been published in many international architectural magazines such as L'Architettura (Rome), Architectural Design (London) and World Architecture Review (Shenzhen), XXI Mimarlik (Turkey) and Future Arquitecturas (Spain). His work can also be seen in various architecture design websites such as Arch Daily, Dezeen and Milimet Design. If you would like to see more projects we have worked on in the past, please visit our website.