Rakan Alruqi

Project Manager at DATHIN Contracting | - , , Saudi Arabia

Rakan Alruqi's Contact Details
["00966 11 4633554"]
Riyadh,Riyadh Province,Saudi Arabia
DATHIN Contracting |
Rakan Alruqi's Company Details
DATHIN Contracting | logo, DATHIN Contracting | contact details

DATHIN Contracting |

, , Saudi Arabia • 501 - 1000 Employees

نؤمن أن مجالات أعمالنا لقطاع المقاولات يعتمد على المنافسة الشريفة ومن ذلك المنطلق نسعى أن نكون دائماً أحد الركائز الأساسية في تقديم الخدمات الإنشائية والهندسية على نطاق واسع في مجال عملنا وترتكز جهودنا حول إضفاء قيمة وتعزيز تنمية مستدامة عن طريق تنفيذ الأعمال من خلال فريق عمل متكامل يعمل بإحترافية للتواصل مع عملائنا من أجل خلق التميز والابتكار والالهام. إن طموح الريادة وشغف التميز يجعلنا في سعي دائم لأن نكون الأفضل في حجم ونوعية استثماراتنا وتنويع خدماتنا بما يتماشى مع رغبات عملائنا ليدفعنا في النهاية نـحو تطوير قدراتنا التنافسية في جميع المجالات التي نعمل بها.We strongly believe in fair & honest competition in the field of contracting. Base on this principle, we have been starving to take the lead and be one of the main pillars in providing construction and engineering services widely .Our efforts mainly concentrate on adding value and enhancing the continuous growth through our professional team that communicates with clients to create excellence, innovation and inspiration.The ambition to succeed and the passion to excellency makes us always in a track of continuous improvement in terms of quality and quantity of our investments and the diversity of our products to meet the customer satisfaction. This basically will provide us with a metric with which we can use to manage and improve our competitive capabilities in the fields of business .

Details about DATHIN Contracting |
Frequently Asked Questions about Rakan Alruqi
Rakan Alruqi currently works for DATHIN Contracting | داثن للمقاولات.
Rakan Alruqi's role at DATHIN Contracting | داثن للمقاولات is Project Manager.
Rakan Alruqi's email address is ***@dathin.com. To view Rakan Alruqi's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rakan Alruqi works in the Construction industry.
Rakan Alruqi's colleagues at DATHIN Contracting | are Sameh Mahmoud, Usama Jamal, Ashour Ibrahim, Mohamed Mardan, Wael Hemeda, Ali Al-Salem, Diaa Elawadi and others.
Rakan Alruqi's phone number is ["00966 11 4633554"]
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