Rakesh Gandhlikar_Rakesh

Administation officer at Sinic Electronics Pvt Ltd - Nariman Point, Maharashtra, IN

Rakesh Gandhlikar_Rakesh's Contact Details
Sinic Electronics Pvt Ltd
Rakesh Gandhlikar_Rakesh's Company Details

Sinic Electronics Pvt Ltd

Nariman Point, Maharashtra, IN • 51 - 200 Employees
Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing

Sinic Electronics Pvt. Ltd. (SINIC) is a part of 50 years old Bhatwal Group of Companies. SINIC is India's leading Bank Automation system Manufacturer - an ISO 9001-2000, ISO 14001 certified company. Specializes in the business domain of banking automation products, Self Service solutions, professional engineering services and emerging technologies in the related fields Based in Mumbai, India. it has a strong network of branch offices, well equiped Manufacturing Unit, service centers spanning metros and major cities across the country. As a knowledge-based and technology-driven organization, we take pride in our intellectual capital of highly skilled, qualified and experienced professionals with over 500 staff strength . First, we started with currency counting machines and recently we have launched the new invention of counting machine with Fake Note Detection.

Details about Sinic Electronics Pvt Ltd
Frequently Asked Questions about Rakesh Gandhlikar_Rakesh
Rakesh Gandhlikar_Rakesh currently works for Sinic Electronics Pvt Ltd.
Rakesh Gandhlikar_Rakesh's role at Sinic Electronics Pvt Ltd is Administation officer.
Rakesh Gandhlikar_Rakesh's email address is ***@sinicindia.com. To view Rakesh Gandhlikar_Rakesh's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rakesh Gandhlikar_Rakesh works in the Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing industry.
Rakesh Gandhlikar_Rakesh's colleagues at Sinic Electronics Pvt Ltd are Piyush Vaid, Sanjay Jha, Asif Pinjari, Shaikh Mushtaq, Jayant Sonawane, URMILA PATIL, Shaikh Mabood and others.
Rakesh Gandhlikar_Rakesh's phone number is
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