In the year 2013, Aramco Entertainment & E-Commerce Pvt. Ltd launched Bollywood Nazar, an entertainment web portal. is a portal that gives all the information about Bollywood- News, Previews, Music Reviews, Movie Reviews, Pictures of Bollywood Events and Happenings, Pre-Release Surveys of Upcoming Movies, Box-Office Updates, etc. also showcases Video News Stories, Exclusive Interviews with Celebrities, has been into the entertainment industry from past 2 years and has established itself as one of the best Bollywood websites. Some great celebs have been associated with and came to our studio for exclusive interviews. The News which is updated on the website is fresh and is not copied from any other websites. The editorial team of always tries their best to come up with unique news for their viewers. The fresh and unique news are given to the viewers, which keeps them engaged to the website.