Vetware specializes in hardware and software systems useful livestock industry. The Company's driving force is research and innovation aimed at offering simple, cost effective and easy-to-roll out ICT solutions. The novel approach is employing real intelligence in capturing data but using artificial intelligence at the back end to undertake big data analysis. The ultimate aim is to offer technologies that even poorest of the poor farmers should be able to afford.The TeamVetware team is led by a domain expert veterinarian who excels equally in veterinary science and ICT. Whereas other Directors come from diverse marketing and software development background. The technology development team consists of a core internal team supported by highly specialized outsourced domain experts.Why are we different?Our business model is unique; in that farmers and veterinary service providers are considered as partners in contributing animal data hence the services to them are nominally charged, whereas the service industries use the data to offer customised services to the farmers and veterinarians.Technology Thrust AreasNew generation animal identification device, traceability and tracking solutions integrating food animal data to processing (Farm-to-fork) and marketing platform. Our Core StrengthSince big data analysis would be used in livestock planning, integrity of mined data is critical. Unique feature of the system is that unless the QR code or the RFID on the tag is scanned data can't be updated. This eliminates any chance of uploading fudged data. The server end validation ensures that updated data is error-free. With imprinting of date and time of scan the data traffic can be monitored using a dashboard. This enables the organizations to monitor services to farmers in real time.Going GlobalWe have marketing partners in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, United State of America (for North and South Americas) and plan to expand in Africa and South East Asia.