At WonUpIt, we are gamifying social media. Every day we will release one Hashtag, like #HomeCooked or #TravelDiaries. These Hashtags are "live" for a few days. While the Hashtag is live, you can post one photo or video response. If other people think yours is the best response for that Hashtag, they will give you a Medal. You can only give one Medal per Hashtag, so choose wisely! Whoever has the most Medals when the Hashtag "expires" wins a Trophy! We don't repeat Hashtags for at least a year, so revel in the fact that you're a rockstar, and do indeed have the best #OutfitOfTheDay.Get points for taking part, giving Medals and picking the right winner. We want to give you reasons to create fun content, and allow you to take part in the action by deciding who gets to win Trophies!