frugbi connects neighbors transforming digital connections into meaningful in-person interactions.frugbi's mission is to harness today's digital networks' power to create more meaningful social connections. There was a time when we knew our neighbors well. We leaned over the fence and had a chat or shared a laugh; we shared the food we made, and we didn't hesitate to ask for help when we needed it, nor to give it when asked. Today, most of us have hundreds of connections on various social media networks but do not always recall our neighbors' names, which frugbi is eager to change. We want to enable people to build deeper connections with others and encourage them to support each other in times of need, and share a laugh with neighbors during happy times.The best way to start this journey of 'knowing your neighbors well' is by providing and receiving help on tasks that you cannot complete due to a lack of time, skills, or money. frugbi would like to enable you to whittle away your to-do list while engaging with your neighbors: fix your garage, plan an event, walk your dog, cook or bake food, find a ride to drop your children at activities. Expand your day to more than 24 hours! When you are busy, your community gets your work done for you.