UPSCLOUNGE is a platform exclusively dedicated to the preparation for the Civil services Examination (CSE) conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).Acknowledging the critical deficiency in the preparation strategy of the students, we attached the highest importance to groom these young buds for Civil services Examination ( CSE) which have got no short cuts but Smart work.We draw a team of experts who can deliver, on ground, living up to the hopes of these candidates.Our Coaches come with the huge spectra of role and situation based challenging experience which was earned during their stint in the Defence Forces, IAS/IPS/IFS and other All India Services.We will create customised Learning Lessons and training modules to impart best Leadership sessions to our students. We will also make it an interactive platform where peer learning and outside expert talk will be add-on benefits.We TOGETHER, will sail through because WE CREATE LEADERS @UPSCLOUNGE