Everyone from around the world feels at home here, and you will too.It's like strolling around a souk or meandering through a hawkers market: the market is alive with the hustle and bustle of shoppers, spruiking market traders and the irresistible scents of Melbourne's best street food.Known as the "world market", Dandenong Market is a 152-year old traditional working market in Melbourne's south east.Dandenong Market offers everything from honeycomb fresh from the beehive, flowers cut straight from the farm, and apples picked from the orchard. At Dandenong Market you can shop and experience the world as a local and get insider tips from expert traders, score amazing bargains and source seasonal produce.Dandenong Market has been operating since 1866 and is one of Victoria's oldest markets. We are a traditional working market and the heart of community life. There's so much to see, taste and discover.