EXODUS Accelerator HUB provides cost-effective/collaborative office space, advisory/consulting services and networking/funding opportunities for young Israeli technology start-up firms . The Israeli HUB hosts 20+ start up companies at various stages .The company is establishing a presence in New York City to open an Israeli-US channel and encourage cross-pollination between two exciting technology start-up markets. The immediate goal will be to provide select Israeli entrepreneurs with an opportunity to expand and tap into the US start-up market; Exodus Accelerator Hub will then be uniquely positioned to incubate young US technology start-ups and provide them with access to Israeli technology, advisory and funding opportunities. Exodus Accelerator Hub is part of the Exodus Group, which provides technology, data management software, environmental compliance and custom engineering services to the electronics aerospace, defense and military industries. Exodus also serves as an official ING Direct Bank technology scouting services in the Israeli market.ISRAEL http://www.exodus.co.il/ Tel 972-3-9225588 Fax: 972-3-9222285info@exodus.co.ilRam Nakash - Founder and CEOrami@exodus.co.il--