Ramu Baghel

08:00 - 12:00..02:00 - 06:00 at CCPL - Austin, KY, US

Ramu Baghel's Contact Details
Ramu Baghel's Company Details


Austin, KY, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

CCPL is a cooperative multi-business industrial group formed in 1904 in Reggio Emilia.CCPL had achivied revenues of about 1200 million euro in 2010 and had more than 2000 employees.The main areas of activity of the CCPL Group are 6: EnergyThe leading company is Energy Group Spa Energy Group Spa sells and distributes refined oil products such as diesel, gasoline, lpg etc through its own gas stations (approx 130 milion liters/year) and directly to customers and retailers (400.000 tons/year). Energy Group currently operates in northern Italy (Emilia Romagna, Piemonte, Lombardia).Fresh Food PackagingThe leading company is CoopBox SpaCoopBox produces and sells fresh food containers across Europe.Building materialsIt is the area that deals with the supply of inert materials and insulators.The parent company is CCPL Inerti SpaFacility ManagementIt is the area that deals with management of heating, electrical, water and gas distribution systems.The leading companies are Gesta Spa, Arcoservizi Spa, Correggio Condotte Spa.Business servicesIn this area there are several companies operating in different sectors: Information Technology: Athenia-Net SrlWorkforce Solutions (Staffing And Recruiting): Obiettivo Lavoro SpaProperty and Project FinancingResta Spa manages the real estate assets of the Group (remains).PFM - Project Financing Management invests in development projects in the fields of renewable energy and clean energy

Energy Fresh Food Packaging Building materials Facility Management IT Business services Workforce Solutions - Staffing And Recruiting - Property and Project Financing
Details about CCPL
Frequently Asked Questions about Ramu Baghel
Ramu Baghel currently works for CCPL.
Ramu Baghel's role at CCPL is 08:00 - 12:00..02:00 - 06:00.
Ramu Baghel's email address is ***@ccpl.it. To view Ramu Baghel's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ramu Baghel works in the Packaging & Containers industry.
Ramu Baghel's colleagues at CCPL are Javed Khan, Rina Dutta, Krishanu Banerjee, Biplab De, Subir Ghosh, Prasun Karar, VINAY RAI and others.
Ramu Baghel's phone number is 937-323-9751
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