Ran Harel

Mechanical engieer at Ophir Optics an MKS Brand - Wilmington, Massachusetts, US

Ran Harel's Contact Details
(866) 755-5499
Ophir Optics an MKS Brand
Ran Harel's Company Details
Ophir Optics an MKS Brand logo, Ophir Optics an MKS Brand contact details

Ophir Optics an MKS Brand

Wilmington, Massachusetts, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Ophir is a brand within the MKS Instruments Photonics Solutions Division. The Ophir product portfolio consists of laser and LED measurement products, including laser power and energy meters, laser beam profilers measuring femto-watt to hundred-kilowatt lasers, high-performance IR and visible optical elements, IR thermal imaging lenses and zoom lenses for defense and commercial applications, OEM and replacement high-quality optics and sub-assemblies for CO2 and high-power fiber laser material processing applications. Ophir products enhance our customers’ capabilities and productivity in the semiconductor, electronics and packaging, and specialty industrial markets. Websites: http://www.ophiropt.com/infrared http://www.ophiropt.com/laser-optics

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Details about Ophir Optics an MKS Brand
Frequently Asked Questions about Ran Harel
Ran Harel currently works for Ophir Optics an MKS Brand.
Ran Harel's role at Ophir Optics an MKS Brand is Mechanical engieer.
Ran Harel's email address is ***@ophiropt.com. To view Ran Harel's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ran Harel works in the Electronics industry.
Ran Harel's colleagues at Ophir Optics an MKS Brand are Boris Katsman, Michal Levy, Yaniv Levi, Helena Levy, Sven Schipper, Shimshon Achimeir, Yoni Grosman and others.
Ran Harel's phone number is (866) 755-5499
See more information about Ran Harel