We strive for"Excellence in all we do"ABU NASAR is committed to meet international quality as well as any localor regional codes and among the top contractor/manufacturer. In localand International market.VISION:To be a leading Construction Company who will provide excellent services to new and current clients.MISSION:We aim as a project developer and strategic partner is to play a leading role in the development & managementof projects, where our services will become a driving factor from venture's establishment to its success and selfsustainability.Our rigid Quality Assurance/Control procedures are maintained and Implemented to the highest level ofstandard. This is in order to ensure that the product quality and services will meet the requirements of ourcustomers and their specifications. As we try to position ourselves at the very heart of the Gulf's constructionindustry, it will serve it's purpose in leading us to the right direction, business-wise, on one hand and thedevelopment and management of our human resources on the other.We set out our corporate visions, goals and objectives, in order to build and achieve them in optimum time, willrequire that each and every individual associated with the company to posses work quality of the higheststandard. It is our aim to be experienced in our field of expertise, showing flexibility innovation and positiveapproach to all our undertakings.ABU NASAR if forging ahead to serve it's purpose i.e. to be productive, a pillar and contributing factor andresiliency of gulf's highly competitive construction industry. This, in essence, is our company tenet, drivingprinciple and belief.