Based in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona, BioAccel is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization accelerating the development of new bioscience companies and biomedical products by providing entrepreneurs with the training, mentoring, and support they need to succeed in one of the most heavily regulated and strategically important industries: Biomedical technology.- We seek to develop bioscience entrepreneurs – innovators focused on health informatics and medical devices – to their highest and best potential.- Since our inception in 2009, BioAccel has helped to launch 17 companies and has provided education and mentorship for more than 100 Arizona entrepreneurs.- BioAccel's portfolio companies support an average wage of $71,800 – 61.8 percent over the Arizona average wage of $44,370.- BioAccel's entrepreneur accelerator programs have resulted in nearly 100 new, high-paying jobs, expansion of Arizona's biomedical industry base and a growing entrepreneurial and investment community.From our extensive experience in helping bioscience innovators commercialize their bioscience innovations, we know that many entrepreneurs do not have a clear understanding of the commercialization continuum for biomedical technologies.That's why our workshops and personal guidance include a proof-of-concept program that addresses the challenges of technology commercialization. Our goal is to increase the pipeline of high-potential proof-of-concept projects and assist with the due diligence required to launch successful bioscience companies in Arizona.