ISCARSAH serves as a forum and network for experts in the field of conservation of heritage structures, developing principals and guidelines for appropriate diagnosis and intervention, and provides site-based consultation to NGOs.ISCARSAH was founded by ICOMOS in 1996 as a forum and network for engineers involved in the restoration and care of building heritage. The first meeting of the ISCARSAH took place at the Engineering University in Rome in March of 1997 and the committee has met twice a year since then in venues all over the world.Members of the ISCARSAH are composed of internationally renowned engineers, scientists, architects, specialists, and educators with representation from Europe, Asia, Australia, North and South America.The Committee has authored the ICOMOS Charter – Principles for the Analysis, Conservation and Structural Restoration of Architectural Heritage (ISCARSAH Principles) which were ratified by the ICOMOS 14th General Assembly in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe in October of 2003. ISCARSAH continues to work on the Guidelines which are to be used in tandem with the Principles for those involved with technical aspects of preservation.