Information Technologies & Services CGF-LLC is working based on classic values – honest, reliable, respect and responsibly. That is why we do have no interest in a quick business. For us, longstanding, trustful and partnership relations with our customers and our business partners are most important and are therefore in the foreground.Speed, quality and reliability do have the highest priority in our work. Thus, we support our customers along its entire value chain. We accompany our customers from the strategy to the implementation and to the operation with the objective that our customers are even more successful in their core business.Our services are organized efficiently to the organization of our customers needs and smoothly integrated into this. We are ready to support by experts or to take over the solution responsibility overall. In doing so, we offer our services on time and material or at a fixed price.We are guided by our business development particularly to the positive feedback from our customers and business partners.Many references from customers and business partners confirm our values and our business model.