Founder & CWO, Chief WHEN Officer at WHEN® Way of Life - London, England, United Kingdom
WHEN® provides the professional guidance and knowledge to improve people’s lives. WHEN® combines mindful methodology with advanced technology to deliver one-on-one, online professional advisory and guidance programs. Three innovative, core disciplines, Career, Being, and Health, are delivered by professionally trained WHEN Advisors® who help people to stay focused on leading more successful, healthful, and meaningful lives. This personalized one-on-one guidance helps WHEN® members discover their unique strengths and capabilities and achieve greater happiness, inner peace and personal fulfillment. Every WHEN Advisor® is professionally trained in their specific fields of expertise and have years of experience, certifications, and degrees that align with their professional services. Personal sessions are conducted on a proprietary web-based or mobile platform, allowing WHEN® members the ability to stay in direct contact with their WHEN Advisor®, anytime or anywhere. Corporate Wellness Programs That Work WHEN offers innovative Health and Wellness programs to help both companies and employees. These unique online programs offer one-on-one advisory solutions that can improve employees overall happiness and health, increase productivity, lower employee absenteeism, improve em-ployee retention and lower overall health care costs. We Provide Three Unique Programs That Help People Improve Their Life We offer three innovative, core disciplines, Career, Being, and Health. This personalized one-on-one programs helps WHEN® members discover their unique strengths and capabilities as well as achieve greater happiness, inner peace and personal fulfillment. Each WHEN member is supported by a professionally trained WHEN Advisors® who help people discover better ways to a Healthier and more Meaningful life. With WHEN®….. Life Can Be Better™ For information on WHEN and all of their services please visit: