CemBR stands for Cement Business Research. And this is what we do. We research, analyse and report on all business aspects of the cement industry. We are a unique "intelligence" provider in our industry as we combine accurate data with insightful analysis and unparalleled industry expertise. We provide market and industry reports, statistics and forecasts and bespoke cement related services. As part of our cement intelligence platform we have launched the CemBR Global Compendium or CGC™ for short. The CGC™ is the most comprehensive cement related database and intelligence platform in the world. Visit www.cembrcgc.com for details. The CGC™ is the first of several cement related intelligence platforms that CemBR will be launching.Our team consists of several cement related professionals with a wide range of functional expertise. We only do cement!We are totally independent of any corporation, government or other institution relying solely on our own resources. Contact us at: contact@cementbusinessresearch.com