Raquel Teran-Sanchez

Intern at Think Kindness - Reno, NV, US

Raquel Teran-Sanchez's Contact Details
Reno,Nevada,United States
Think Kindness
Raquel Teran-Sanchez's Company Details
Think Kindness logo, Think Kindness contact details

Think Kindness

Reno, NV, US • 5 - 9 Employees

Think Kindness inspires measurable acts of Kindness in schools and communities around the world. We believe that each act of Kindness, no matter how small, has an unforeseeable ripple effect that makes the world a better place. Every person on this planet can think of at least one Kind act that made your day a little brighter. It is our mission to inspire these Kind acts. To gather thousands of people to perform seemingly simple acts of Kindness in solidarity and that will result in a wave of good that will make a difference in the world.

Motivational Assemblies Anti-Bully Campaigns School Programs Global Acts of Kindness Clean Water Filters Charitable Event Planning Shoe Donations Scholorship Programs Non-Profit Nonprofit Organization Management
Details about Think Kindness
Frequently Asked Questions about Raquel Teran-Sanchez
Raquel Teran-Sanchez currently works for Think Kindness.
Raquel Teran-Sanchez's role at Think Kindness is Intern.
Raquel Teran-Sanchez's email address is ***@thinkkindness.org. To view Raquel Teran-Sanchez's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Raquel Teran-Sanchez works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Raquel Teran-Sanchez's colleagues at Think Kindness are Kirsten Slavin, Miguel Rodriguez, Stefonija Merchant, Alyssa Inskip, Brittany Naastad and others.
Raquel Teran-Sanchez's phone number is 775-636-8026
See more information about Raquel Teran-Sanchez