Propertymakkerz is Ecommerce website developed for DEVELOPERS and CONSUMERS to meet up with their Real Estate requirement. Property Makkerz deals with every aspect of the consumer's needs in the real estate industry. It is an online forum where buyers, sellers and brokers/agents can exchange information about real estate properties quickly, effectively and not an expensively aspect.At Propertymakkerz, you can advertise a property, search for a property, browse through properties, build your own property microsite, and keep yourself updated with the latest news and trends making headlines in the realty sector. Born out of the need to simplify the search for a home, free of fake listings and endless site visits, we created a unique property search platform that filled the gaps left by others in the market. Led by passionate problem-solvers, and backed by top investors from around the world, we are poised to become the most trusted place to find a home in India.