Ratna Hartine

Head of Startup Ecosystem at KUMPUL - Jakarta Special Capital Region, , Indonesia

Ratna Hartine's Contact Details
["082113350639","+62 361 281739","0274882257","085695893566"]
Ratna Hartine's Company Details
KUMPUL logo, KUMPUL contact details


Jakarta Special Capital Region, , Indonesia • 11 - 50 Employees
Program Development

Kumpul means "to gather" or "to be together"in Indonesian. It is not only a professional working space, but also a community where people can come together to work, share inspiration and ideas, as well as collaborate. To be a part of kumpul coworking space means to be a part of a new movement, where network, collaboration and skill-sharing are key to a growing and sustainable business. ***** Kumpul bukan hanya ruang untuk bekerja secara profesional, tapi juga komunitas dimana orang bisa bekerja sama, salaing berbagi inspirasi dan ide, serta berkolaborasi. Menjadi bagian dari kumpul coworking space berarti menjadi bagian dari gerakan baru, dimana jejaring, kolaborasi dan berbagi keahlian adalah kunci untuk bisnis yang berkembang dan berkelanjutan.

Details about KUMPUL
Frequently Asked Questions about Ratna Hartine
Ratna Hartine currently works for KUMPUL.
Ratna Hartine's role at KUMPUL is Head of Startup Ecosystem.
Ratna Hartine's email address is ***@kumpul.id. To view Ratna Hartine's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ratna Hartine works in the Management Consulting industry.
Ratna Hartine's colleagues at KUMPUL are Patricia Agrippina, Hieronymus Bali, Mia Gaswara, Amalia Aininnur, Irene Viriyanti, Monica Dasra, Jenny Bellina and others.
Ratna Hartine's phone number is ["082113350639","+62 361 281739","0274882257","085695893566"]
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