Responsable de Preparación de Propuestas / Head of Proposals Management
Responsable de Contabilidad y Fiscalidad/ Head of Accounting and Taxes
Técnico/Investigador: LÃnea de Sistemas de Supervisión de Redes Eléctricas
Director de proyectos. Responsable de puestas en marcha y mantenimiento.
CIRCE is a research centre founded in 1993 with the support of the University of Zaragoza, to create and develop innovative solutions and scientific/technical knowledge and transfer them to the business sector in the field of energy.CIRCE's mission is to drive forward improvements in energy efficiency and to spread the use of renewable energy by means of the development of R+D+i (Research, Development and Innovation) activities and formative actions that respond to the needs of national and international producers, thereby contributing to sustainable development.Circe's mission consists of the following objectives: - To improve competitiveness of national companies by means of the improvement of their energy processes. - To develop and apply new technologies that improve energy efficiency and facilitate the diffusion of renewable energy. - To develop internationally acclaimed training programmes in energy. - To encourage and promote the improvement of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in society through information and ongoing training.